BVE Kids

BVE Kids
Deutscher Designer Club Award8541_web_80pxCDP_2014_Auszeichnung_web_80pxred dot Award

BVE KIDS: The Elbe Housing Association’s Cooperative Association for Children. BVE KIDS, Brand development. As Germany’s first housing cooperative, the Elbe Housing Association (BVE) has founded its own cooperative association for children. In the context of corporate design, EIGA has created a brand’s own vibrant world for the young members.

  • Brand design
  • Exhibition design
  • Printmedia
  • Illustration
  • Event media

Involving the coming generations. The goal of BVE KIDS is to engage the next generation in the design of housing and living spaces, as well as to communicate to children and young people what it means to live, build and live alongside one another in a city. We have created a colourful parallel world, consisting of a number of imaginative characters, with clear references to the real lives of children living in the BVE districts.


A project growing beyond itself. Life-size representations of several of the characters were constructed by young people at a training workshop, and provided a striking background for the children’s festivals organized for the young members. The overall appearance was also in line with the clear and structured design language of BVE’s corporate design.


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