
An artificial intelligence brand protecting our privacy. Cameras have become an everyday companion in mobility, retail and public spaces.

  • Brand Strategy
  • Brand Design System
  • Digital Design
  • Brand Iconography

To enable the legal use of all kinds of public video material, the Berlin start-up Brighter.AI is developing leading anonymization software. It protects the identity of millions of individuals while giving organizations the opportunity to learn from their data.


As a growing company, the focus of communication is on digital media. The modular design elements are accordingly optimized for visibility in digital channels. Motion, contrast, usability and highly recognizable messages are effectively supported by guidelines for the use of brand colors, motion guidelines and also by the bold and clear corporate font.


A key element in tracking objects and people is the frame. Brighter.AI makes this frame the central design element to occupy this important symbol and to position itself clearly against the competition.

The unmistakable way in which the process of anonymization is visualized in animated sequences, as well as the brand color code, shape the brand’s appearance in the market.


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